FLC School of Ministry
Sessions will begin Sunday, September 12th. The time will be decided based on the input from the survey below, either 4:00-6:00PM. The sessions will be every Sunday and end October 31st.
A study book is required for the session, cost is $20 per person or $30 per couple.
Anyone is able to attend! There is no age or membership restriction.
You will learn about the vision and missions of FLC.
You can discover your personality type, ministry-service gifts, and how to get involved.
There will be assessments for appreciating your personality traits, as well as, your talents and gifts.
It will offer you the opportunity to develop the insights you have about your calling and desired service for God.
It will include a personal interview with Pastor, or church elders, or the department heads at FLC.
There will be opportunity to ask questions of FLC Leadership.